In a city populated by 7 million people, we have 60 million visitors in a year, while 70% of them are coming from mainland China. Reading the figures, we will easily incline our strategies to mainland visitors. However, the business potential of overseas visitors is still remarkable due to the number of nights staying. To succeed in this marketing comprises local residence, overseas visitors and mainland visitors, we should be able to adjust the strategies targeting these target segments reaching your own equilibrium.
For mainland visitors, more than 50% use DianPing for pre-trip preparations and on-the-go searching. For local residence and overseas visitors, Google map takes that role. Despite the high coverage of local F&B listing directory platform, Google map is still one of the most commonly used application on mobile phones. With these two major platform, we will be able to adjust our strategies with flexibility for any upcoming marketing trends.
CG Marketing helps to integrate these two major platforms to your digital marketing strategies to create business opportunities and generate actual business revenue from online traffics. To know more, contact us today.